About us

How Iris Country Gardens came to be...

 Iris Country Gardens started out when Mr. Borglum pondered, “What would happen if I would hyperdize irises?” After much trial and error, he felt rewarded when the first of his irises produced an array of erect form and waved their resplendent banners to display colors that nature provided. The quest increased into an addiction, thus he added peony, daylily and hosta plants making the 6-acre property explode in a rainbow of blossoms. Gardeners came from afar to experience thr Borglum Iris Gardens for themselves. Thirty-eight years later it’s still an open invitation.

In 2017, Mr. Borglum at the ripe age of 82, sold his flower laden paradise to the Martin Sisters who surnamed the gardens, “Iris Country Gardens”. The sister’s taught, by Mr. Borglum, caught the plant addiction and continue to hyperdize and care for the gardens today.

We grow Bearded Iris that can range from dwarf (8″) plants to tall (36″ and are known as TB’s) including a few varieties that characteristically rebloom in late summer or fall. We grow many Non-Bearded Iris varieties such as Siberia and various Species Crosses as they happen.

We grow over 200 named varieties of Peonies and currently have 150 varieties potted and available for sale on site. Our single-bloom Fernleaf Peonies start the bloom season (along with the dwarf Bearded Iris). The last of the Non-Bearded Iris will complete the bloom season with the Very Late Peonies and before the Daylilies begin giving bloom color. We generally enjoy 5-6 weeks of bloom from the various Peonies.

Because of increased interest and request for Hostas, we have expanded our availability of named varieties. We also have named varieties of Daylilies plus Daylily seedlings which provide bloom throughout the month of July.

We enjoy the art of cross-pollinating to see what new cultivars might be produced. Thus, we have large seedling beds for iris, peonies and daylilies and as a result, we work with some future registrations. However, out of 1,000’s seedlings each year, we have an abundance of beautiful plants left over. These excess seedlings are available during bloom season only at the gardens.

If the bloom season is ‘normal’ (Dana says the last normal year was the year before he was born) we expect the early Peonies and dwarf Bearded Iris to start their blooming about May 5th.

About another week later, May 12, the Tree Peonies should be blooming very nicely.

By the first full weekend of June and the week prior and past that weekend, the Tall Bearded Iris and the start of the Midseason Peonies should be in full bloom. Our Clematis will also show their blooms. During this same week the Siberian and Versicolor Iris should be starting to put forth their blooms.

The Late Season Peonies will bloom towards mid-June.

As you can see, we get about 6 weeks of bloom time from the various iris and peonies.

July is the time for Daylily blooms for us. The Hosta will have their beautiful leaves out all during the summer and will put their blooms up late July through early August. If you look around the gardens you will also notice Lupine, Columbine, Fox Glove, Lilacs and Astilbe growing and blooming. Some of these are available for display only and therefore not for sale.

If you have a question regarding the bloom status of our gardens and you want to visit us personally, you are welcome to call us.