We also have a list of the following plants in the Gardens. Some of these products, located in the fields, are for sale. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing and of the following.

Hosta Plants

  • Fire Island
  • One Last Dance
  • Sagae
  • Brother Stephan
  • Stained Glass
  • Twilight
  • Sum and Substance
  • Wide Brim
  • Praying Hands
  • Green and Gold
  • Grand Tiara
  • El Captain
  • Summer Squall
  • Diamond Tiara
  • Krossa Regal
  • Guacamole
  • Halycn
  • Rainforest Sunrise
  • Paradigm

More Perennials

  • Summer Sparkles Baby’s Breath Gypsophila
  • Silver Mound Htemesia
  • Pictum Japanese Fern Athyrium
  • Lady in Red Fern Athyrium
  • Ostrich Fern Athyrium
  • Lucerne Blue Eyed Grass Sisyrinchum
  • Beauty of Livermore Oriental Poppy Papaver
  • Prince of Orange Oriental Poppy Papaver
  • Lupines Mini Gallery
  • Pink Mist, Pincushion Scabiosa Columbaria
  • Lupines Russell Hybrid
  • Hens & Chicks (Hardy) Sempervivum
  • Excalibur Adam’s Thread and Needle Yucca
  • Niger Black Mondo Grass Ophioposan Planiscapus
  • Pheromenal English Lavender Lavandula x Intermedia
  • Snowcap Shasta Daisy
  • Yarqi Night Thunder Psendata Iris
  • Peachie Keen Anise Hyssop Agastache
  • Coccineus Creeping Thyme Thymus
  • Little Angel Burnet Sanguisoba Offcinalis
  • Double Columbine
  • Mandarin Prima Ballerina Series Primrose
  • Sterling Silver Heartleaf Brunnera
  • Bleeding Heart Pink
  • Bleeding Heart White
  • Autumn Joy Sedum
  • Thrift America Alba Martina
  • Orange Gnome